Confirmations & Email

A confirmation is sent out after booking with all details incl. calendar updates, so the trip easily can be added to any calendar used by the traveller. The following is an example of a confirmation:


Confirmations and calendar updates can also be found on the list of the traveller's bookings.

Mid Office Integration

All customer reference fields can be setup in the solution e.g. Project Number, Cost Center, Requisition number, Administration Code etc. in order to secure correct invoicing towards the customer.


The travel agency has full control over the name of the fields and the translation as well as if it just should be a text field, a drop down box with predefined values/text and further eventual validation and masks of the fields.

Customer Information

Targeted information can be setup globally or for individual customers either by your agency staff or by the customers themselves. Different information can be setup to appear in many different places in the solution permitting to target information to the specific process.


As a part of the TripRacer agreement your agency will get a branded login page. Further the solution contains an easy way to setup logos and information inside the solution for both your agency and your customers.

Training & Help

The solution is build upon modern principals for creating intuitive interfaces. The solution requires no user training for your customers and only minimal training for your agency staff. There is online help in the solution and an administration manual is also supplied to your internally appointed administrators.
